• Increased transfer efficiency of Painting Products
• Easy application of two or more consecutive coats (wet-on-wet).
• Reduction of application time by 30-40%.
• Application under constant and repeatable conditions.
Painting of ships, as well as private yachts, due to the need for high resistance of the paint film to water contact, carries some additional problems in addition to the usual challenges of painting.
Especially in the external part of the vessel, special products with high surface protection capacity are applied, limiting the damage caused by water.
In the case of the use of thick Gelcoat EUROSIDER®’s NitroTherm® Spray system, allows the application of thicknesses up to 800 microns in 7 layers without dripping and saves curing time in compared to the conventional compressed air system
The painting operation for ships, boats, yacht refitting is Painting operation for ships, boats, yacht refitting is carried out in different locations from those of manufacture, and it is thus necessary to move the blocks to be treated by means of trolleys, rails or cranes towards locations equipped for such operations. Once the ship is painted, the blocks are reassembled in a short time.
Why you should choose the Industrial Painting Systems
• Savings of at least 20-30% of Painting Products.
• Drastic reduction in coating and spraying vapors
• Lower booth and suction filter maintenance
• Reduction in non-compliant items and rejects
• Increased transfer efficiency of Painting Products
• Easy application of two or more consecutive coats (wet-on-wet).
• Reduction of application time by 30-40%.
• Application under constant and repeatable conditions.
• Reduction of harmful emissions (VOCs).
• Improved conditions of working environments.
• Increased operator confidence through applications under consistent and repeatable conditions.
• Uniform thickness and gloss.
• Reduction of glazing and streaking
• Improved arrangement of metallics
• Control of drippings, bubbles and uneven swelling.
• Reduction in working pressures.
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